Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hard Candy




Today I received word of gallery opening from a friend, knowing what galleries consist of I put on the proper attire but when I arrived I was more than disappointed with what my eyes laid forcefully on. The gallery, if you it is even considered that, was draped with non-textured and un-shaded rectangular prims with the names of avatars who are supposed to be considered famous in Second Life. I understood the angle the artist based his piece on, however what puzzled me was the poor interior and the fact that the avatars are not active users of Second Life nor do they venture their names outside of their social circles. Knowing some of these people I can say that they have been doing the same things with no interest in trying something, other than the same actives they participate in which makes them boring by the hour. After quickly browsing around I asked a woman in the Gallery “Lightened Wooden Box”, how much are the “Ink Printed Construction Paper” going for, she then responded "5,000L$". As there is no way to portray the expression of your genuine emotions in Second Life she couldn’t see the disgust on my face. The presentation I saw is clearly amateur. Being to many art gallery’s in real life and Second Life the perception of simplicity is never brought down to the foundations of proverbial building of the literal structure. I’m appalled, as an artist and as a lover of art that an unfinished structure with basic textures and hideous construction paper plastered with names of now rejects, is considered art, being that the only constructive discussion it poses in an individual with enough sense not to purchase anything, is the base idea itself.


  1. We're rejects, Filthy. Let's face it. And inactive, also. HANG YOUR HEAD IN SHAME. Mine is already below the floor. :)

  2. wow ms hard candy... you have some big balls under that skirt... :)
